Change in Dismissal

Early Dismissal
If you need to pick up your child early from school (ex: doctor appointment) please complete this form

Change in Afternoon Dismissal: 
To ensure an efficient and smooth dismissal process with parent pick-ups or any change in dismissal plans, please complete the Dismissal Change google form by clicking here. Use this form to notify the main office of a change in your child’s daily dismissal plan. All changes to daily dismissal plans, if it is not already a permanent pick-up, must be received through this google form. For example, if your child rides a bus daily, but will be picked up today, you must complete the form. If your child is being picked up today by someone other than a parent/guardian, please complete the form.
Please note, we will only accept submissions for dismissal changes through the form until 1:00 PM. After 1:00 PM, submissions will no longer be accepted and you must call the main office to ensure the appropriate staff are aware of your child’s change in dismissal for the day.  
Please do not email this information to your child's teacher at the end of the day. As teachers are instructing their students until dismissal, they may not see your email prior to students being dismissed from their classroom.

Permanent Change in Afternoon Dismissal
If there is a PERMANENT change in your student's dismissal plan, please contact the Main Office via email or written note.