Drop-Off/Pick-Up Procedures
Placing your child on the bus is the safest and most efficient way for your child to arrive at Amsterdam Elementary School in the morning and to return home (or to parent designated after-care) in the afternoon. Students must follow the same dismissal procedure daily. If there is a change in your child’s daily dismissal plan, please complete the Dismissal Change Form by 1:00 PM.
Tardy/Late Arrivals When arriving to school after the 7:50am bell, students must be accompanied by a parent/guardian and should proceed directly to the main office for sign-in. We will obtain lunch orders at this time.
AM Parent Drop-Off Procedures
The AMS main office is closed from 7:35 AM - 7:50 AM during morning arrival.
Please note, parent morning drop-off on campus is limited to children who can get out of the car independently on the passenger side. As a reminder, parents must remain in the vehicle at all times.
Parents may begin lining up for morning drop-off along Amsterdam Drive (See illustration below).
No cars may enter the Amsterdam driveway unless directed by an AMS staff member starting at 7:35 AM.
Once you are allowed into the driveway, all cars will proceed along the highlighted route (See illustration below) by making their first left and stopping at the fire hydrant.
Cars cannot pull forward until the AMS staff member holding the Stop/Go sign directs them to do so (See illustration below). Once directed, cars will make a left and must pull all the way forward to the stop sign at the top of the driveway (See illustration below).
Students MUST exit the vehicle on the passenger side and proceed along the sidewalk to the main entrance.
Once your child exits the vehicle, cars will only be able to make a right hand turn onto Amsterdam Drive.
Please do not make either a K or U-turn on Amsterdam Drive, this creates a hazard for other cars and buses departing the campus.

Parent Pick-Up prior to 2:00 PM
Please park in an available spot in the front parking lot.
Please remember to bring your photo ID with you to the main entrance.
Ring the doorbell and an office staff member will let you into the vestibule.
You will be asked to show your photo ID to the office staff member.
You will then be admitted into the main office and sign out your child for the day.
Your child will be sent to the main office for dismissal.
Parent Pick-Up at Dismissal
The AMS main office is closed from 2:00 PM - 2:25 PM.
If you need to pick up your child prior to dismissal, you must pick them up before 2:00 PM and follow the procedure outlined above.
Parents may begin lining up for afternoon pick-up along Amsterdam Drive starting at 2:10 PM (See illustration below).
No cars will be allowed to pull into the campus while buses are present.
Once all of the buses have departed, a staff member will allow cars to enter the driveway.
Cars should proceed to the bottom of the driveway, turn left, follow the yellow curbing and stop at the Main Entrance where the student pick-up area will be (See illustration below).
Parents are to remain in their vehicle at all times. Please have your photo ID ready to show a staff member when they approach your vehicle.
A staff member will ask you to sign out your child once you provide your photo ID.
After you sign out your child, your child will be escorted to your vehicle.
Please proceed forward and exit the campus.